Liz Beverly



A few supplies you will need: 

  • A 3-ring binder with plenty of paper
  • Something to write with
  • Your Chromebook & charger
  • Headphones for your Chromebook
  • One pack of index cards of any size and color or an expo marker  (to turn in)

Additional supplies we use often:

  • Kleenex
  • Individual pencil sharpeners 
  • Tissue paper in solid colors
  • Full size student scissors
  • Glue Sticks 
  • Sanitizing wipes

Visit the supply list linked on the chalkboard below for access to a printable list and a linked Amazon wishlist. If you are able to donate any of the additional supplies to our classroom, we are very appreciative.

Google Classroom

1st - svi4v4h
2nd - rvegtbh
4th - 7qoph4q
5th - d7rtkbl
6th - fz2us7k
7th - abevbf2

Remind Codes

Spanish I 


Spanish II


Liz Beverly
