Central of Carroll FFA

Pictured is Mr. Stanley Clarke, Addison Smith, and Ms. Allie Bridges. Addison placed 1st in the Georgia State Floral Design FFA Career Development Event in December, 2023.
FFA Value Statements
These value statements were created by the National FFA Board of Directors in 2021 and adopted by the delegates of the 94th National FFA Convention in October 2021.
- We respect and embrace very individual's culture and experience.
- We welcome every individual's contribution to advance our communities and the industry of agriculture.
- We cultivate an environment that allows every individual to recognize and explore their differences.
- We create leadership opportunities for every individual to enhance their personal and professional endeavors.

FFA Remind:
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Career Development Events
Purpose: Career opportunities abound within today's agriculture industry. CDEs help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly and perform effectively in a competitive job market.
Georgia FFA members have the opportunity to participate in CDEs ranging from floral design to dairy cattle evaluation. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.
Event areas are:
- Agricultural Communications
- Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Electrification
- Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems
- Agricultural Sales
- Agricultural Technology & Equipment ID
- Conduct of Chapter Meetings
- Creed Speaking
- Dairy Cattle Evaluation
- Discussion Meet
- Employment Skills
- Environmental Natural Resources
- Extemporaneous Public Speaking
- Farm & Agribusiness Management
- FFA Quiz
- Floral Design
- Floriculture
- Foresty
- Forestry Field Day
- Horse Evaluation
- Land Judging
- Lawnmower Operations & Maintenance
- Livestock Evaluation
- Marketing Plan
- Meats Evaluation
- Nursery/Landscape
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Poultry Evaluation
- Prepared Public Speaking
- Tractor & Machinery Operations & Maintenance
- Veterinary Science
- Wildlife Management