Amanda Thornton
Attention AP Lit Students!
Join my Classroom as soon as you can for updates and helps that will get you in good shape for the school year!
Once you join, I can issue your parents an invitation to join as well, so they can help you navigate the world of virtual learning.
Remind code: @h36hch7
AP Classroom join codes: (you need to join this as well as my Google Classroom) Go to and enter the correct join code.
Join Code for AP LIt Classroom: m3w4dbm
General Overview of the next few weeks:
Week 1 - Join Classroom, review CCSS and CHS protocols and procedures
Review Course Syllabus and digital notebook
Learn and play with some digital platforms
Register for a WHOLE bunch of important digital tools
Week 2 - Summer Reading Review/Bootcamp
A Prayer for Owen Meany
How to Read Literature like a Professor
Assignments (Essay/Project- due the Tuesday after Labor Day
Week 3 Anglo-Saxon poetry and Beowulf
Continue outside reading/work on Summer Assignments
Begin Hero's Journey inquiry-based project
AP Multiple Choice Prose Passage Test #1 (AP Classroom)
Drama Students!
Our One-Act play this year is Mmmbeth!, a spoof of the Scottish play made famous by Shakespeare, as well as a mash-up of many other of Shakespeare's works. We will begin rehearsals pretty much the second day of school! This year, we will also be going to the PAC to practice each Thursday after school from 4 to 5:30. This should get us in great shape to perform at One-Act on October 30 in Cedartown!
Dramatic Writing~~~
I took the workshop on your class this summer, and it was LIFE-CHANGING! I can't WAIT to share all the stuff I learned with you!
Multi-Cultural Lit - - - -
I'm so excited about teaching THREE sections of seniors this year! Many of you are folks I taught in 9th grade, and I can't wait to see how you have grown up in three years! Expect an interesting and hands-on learning experience!

About me:
Education -
Mercer University, BSEd, 1999
Piedmont College, MAT, 2016
I hold certificates in all of the following:
AP Literature and Composition
Middle Grades ELA and Social Studies
Reading K-12
Gifted Education
National STEM Certified
Carroll County E3 Trainer
Dramatic Writing